SoftGuide Softwareführer > Funktionen / Module Bezeichnung > Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Was versteht man unter Web Analytics?

"Web Analytics" refers to the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about the behavior of website visitors. The main goal of web analytics is to gain insights into user behavior on a website in order to improve website performance, optimize the user experience, and achieve business objectives.

Typical features of software in the "Web Analytics" area may include:

  1. Data tracking: Capturing various types of data about website visitors, such as page views, visitor numbers, time spent on site, demographic information, and technical details such as device type and browser.

  2. Visitor analysis: Analyzing visitor behavior, including identifying page views, paths through the website, bounce rates, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics to understand user behavior.

  3. Goal tracking: Setting up and tracking goals and conversions on the website, such as registrations, purchases, newsletter sign-ups, or other desired actions, to measure website performance and effectiveness.

  4. Real-time analysis: Providing real-time data on current visitor behavior on the website to gain immediate insights into ongoing campaigns or events.

  5. Reporting: Generating custom reports and dashboards summarizing key performance indicators and trends visually to provide decision-makers with a better understanding of website performance.

  6. Integrations: Integrating with other tools and platforms such as advertising campaigns, email marketing software, or customer relationship management systems to provide a comprehensive overview of all marketing activity.

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